WCH 2011: BERMUDA Ball hockey.

WCH 2011: BERMUDA Ball hockey.

Ball hockey in Bermuda started in the 1980’s by a loosely-knit group of die-hard Canadian hockey fans. Over the years guys would get together Saturday mornings to play ‘pick-up’ hockey at an old converted outdoor roller-skating rink.

The number of players on the Island had grown and in the late 1990’s the Bermuda Ball Hockey Association (BBHA) was officially formed. It was around that time that the first semi-annual ball hockey tournaments were organized in Bermuda, called the prestigious Robin Hood Cup. As the competition for the RHC tournaments grew, so did the level of competitiveness.


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OCWC2011 napísal:

Bermudy sú od roku 2001 pravidelným účastníkom MS a patria k najsympatickejším družstvám na každých MS. Ich najväčším úspechom je 5.miesto na MS 2001 v Toronte

Pridané: 13.04.11 17:09.
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